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This week's contemplation
“Soma. In the beginning it is a drop. Drop becomes drip, drip becomes flow, and flow becomes flood and flood becomes rush. Oh my God! Then soma from the third eye goes to the heart. Then you will experience profound peace in the chest. Along with that peace, there is love”. – Dr. Vasānt Lad
1. Watch the 3-part Video Series on Soma {and Agni}
I recommend you watch one a day, not all at once. Take notes, as if you were in a live class, sit with the teaching, and take the principles as contemplation throughout your day.
2. Soma Nidra
Do this Guided Soma-Nidra, designed by Kaya as part of your daily practice, at the beginning or end of your āsana practice, or as it's own solitary practice, maybe to end your day to encourage Soma-sleep.
Click the image to listen in SoundCloud {where you can share with others}. Or listen with the play button below. Once the audio loads, should should be able to listen with the wifi off {smart phone on airplane mode}
Soma-Nidra, by Kaya Mindlin is Copyright 2018
3. Āsana practice prep
The following poses will be great prep for your experience of this month!
Sample home practice for the week:
- Cat & Cow Pose
- Paschimottanāsana {Rag Doll; Stretch of the West Side of the Body}
- All Fundamental SRY poses for spinal release with an emphasis on tailbone, psoas and heart opening
Sample home practice for the week:
- Soma Nidra
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- JP {Reclined Spinal Twist}, slowly rolling your head side to side
- Alternate Leg Diagonal
- Kurmāsana, leaning into a chair for deep release
- 1/2 Frog Pose {add a blanket under your head to bring head aligned with spine}
- Seated Side Stretch
- Paschimottanasana
- Blades Back Pose
- Cat & Cow Pose, Exhaling into Cat, inhaling into Cow,
- JP {Reclined Spinal Twist}, with the bottom leg extended
- Soma Nidra, Meditation, or Silence
4. Foundational Soma Lifestyle
- REST: Go to sleep by 10pm everynight {bonus points for 9:30!}
- HYDRATION: Upon waking drink a large glass of room temperature water {if you have sluggish digestion, you can opt for ginger tea; if you are in a hot climate you can opt for cold-brewed chamomile or mint, brewed overnight by placing the herbs in a mason jar of pure water, then straining in the morning}
Coming Next...
Week 2: Gathering the soma
- Explore the stunning foundational teachings of Agni + Soma
- Learn the daily pose + breath practices that will prepare you for the following weeks.
Week 3: Holding the soma
- Explore and practice the 5 part Soma mantra for cultivating inner Soma through sound
- Learn the next step in poses and pranayama practice that will lead you toward the final week!
Week 4: Expanding the soma
Practice and develop Kaya's two primary advanced {yet accessible} Agni + Soma practices:
- The Mahā Mudra {full body stillness mudra which opens the ida and pingala nādi and creates a direct pathway to meditation}
- The Soma Flow {full body spinal massage movement + inner mantra and creates a direct pathway to healing}
Week 5 {bonus class!]
- 30 minute Agni as Digestive Fire talk from Kaya
- 30 minute Ayurvedic Soma Foods talk from Kaya